Five Hotel Room Tips From a Flight Attendant

Flight attendants are true professionals when it comes to how to make the best of hotel room experiences, but also what to be mindful of, what to avoid, and what is a game-changer.

Maaeah Howell
3 min readDec 3, 2020
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Luggage Rack

Maybe I’m just an easily impressed hotel visitor, but the luggage rack was an absolute miracle discovery for me. I still just live out of my suitcase when I’m working, but something I never used until becoming a flight attendant is the luggage rack! It’s usually located in the hotel room closet, or sometimes on the side of the dresser. I’m tall, so the two-ish foot rack makes a wonderful difference on my lower back. I also feel classier reaching for my clothes on an elevated platform, versus off the floor. Let’s be real, that’s a peasant move. Next time you visit a hotel, give your lower back a break, and simultaneously upgrade your social status with a luggage rack.

Remote Control Cover

Every flight attendant has a personal list of ways to avoid the germs that are infested around us. The remote control needing a covering is on EVERY flight attendant’s list. Usually, a room comes with an ice bucket that contains a couple of plastic bags. Use these to create a quick cover on the TV’s remote, and protect yourself from the dusty germs wanting to get you.

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Door Stopper/Security Alarms

If you do a quick Amazon search, you’ll see there are a variety of travel-friendly devices that act as an extra level of protection. I’ve never had anything noteworthy happen to me, but I’ve heard PLENTY of stories. I’m not here to scare you, but I’m here to give you cheap and easy solutions to keeping you safe. Pop one of these in your suitcase, and go to sleep with peace of mind.

Full Room Security Sweep

Again, not trying to scare you, but it’s always important to check your room before you get settled. Once again, nothing has ever happened to me but I have yet again, heard stories. I generally prop the door open with my suitcase and do a thorough walk-through of the room. Be sure to check closets, showers, under beds and behind curtains. I also pull the sheets up to check for bed bugs! It may seem excessive, but it’s always a good practice to be aware of your surroundings in a new place.

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Filtered Water Bottle

If you’ve been to more or less any hotel, you know that they love to upcharge on bottles of water. It’s really a shame, and I admit I sometimes just settle for tap water. However, it’s a wise investment to purchase a reuseable water bottle, with a built-in filter system. This will save you a pretty penny, and keep you hydrated, which is super important while on the road.



Maaeah Howell

Hi. I'm a writer. I travel for a living. I'm taller than most. This is where I document everything in one space. Welcome.