4 Tips to Take on Your Journey of Becoming a Fearless Woman

Part of the journey is discovering your own methods, but it’s okay to add expertise from those who walked before you.

Maaeah Howell
3 min readJan 10, 2021
Photo by Leon Ell' on Unsplash

Self-improvement is always trending and will continue to be the cool thing to do. It can be an overwhelming mission but also rewarding and potentially the most important work you’ll ever do for yourself. If part of your 2021 goals and resolutions is to take greater risks or to become a fearless woman, here are some small reminders that may ripple effect great and impactful results on your journey.

Take your girls with you

Yes, this is your journey, but let’s be realistic, the most successful people have a safe, and grounding support system. Girlfriends are vital to maintaining a balance of support, as well as accountability. Your best girlfriends want to see you be the best version of you, don’t overlook or dismiss their words. It’s up to you to make the final decisions for yourself, but there’s nothing wrong with spending time reflecting on advice from the people who know you best.

Find a mentor

Preferably someone who is in a space that you are working towards. Whether it be emotionally, financially, or professionally is up to you, but someone who can not only guide you on your journey but check-in and keep you accountable. Sit down with your mentor to discuss the parameters of your journey. Come up with goal dates, and make a plan to check-in with your mentor to help them keep you on track. This can be a professional life-coach or a close friend. As long as it’s someone you respect, trust, know will push you when you’re facing challenges and help re-center your focus.

Write down your intention

I’ve struggled with being afraid of trusting my own ideas. It took me years to start my blog because of my fear of failing. I’ve learned that writing down my reasons for why I want to take a leap or start something new, helps in times of doubt. Writing down exactly why you want to start something, and having it as a reminder when you’re deterring from your goals, is a healthy way to get back on track. It can be a journal entry, a sticky note, or even a letter written to yourself. I’ve found that actually physically writing a goal down makes it more concrete and is refreshing to go back and review.

Get off social media

You may not need to literally delete your Instagram, but I do recommend taking healthy social media breaks and cleanses. It’s too easy to become consumed in someone else’s journey, and in return feel empty about your own. The truth is, social media is a tool where we are allowed to depict our lives exactly how we want others to view them. We get to control everything from our best angles to the words we associate with images of ourselves. I’m not accusing everyone you follow of being a fraud, but know that there is a chance that a high percentage of what is being posted is not true or an honest example of their current state. Focus on yourself, and avoid having toxic thoughts such as comparing yourself to people you don’t know.

Remember, this is your journey and you have the power to walk, skip, or run your way through it. Your path is unique to you, and only you can determine whether it's successful or not. That in itself is your most valuable attribute, you are powerful and you deserve to be fearless in everything that you do.



Maaeah Howell

Hi. I'm a writer. I travel for a living. I'm taller than most. This is where I document everything in one space. Welcome.